2023 Atom Combine Results

2023 Atom Combine Results

Each test is sortable. Results are from all RAW combines in Sackville, Calgary, Lethbridge, Red Deer, Edmonton, Grande Prairie, Kelowna, Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Vancouver, and Nanaimo. The 40 yard dash & 10 yard split tests were performed using the Zybek laser system, the exact same testing method used at the CFL & NFL combines. All tests were standardized across all locations.
EventFirst nameLast NamePositionHeight (Feet & Inches)Weight (lbs)10 Yard Split (Sec)40 Yard Dash (Sec)5-10-5 (Sec)Vertical (Inches)Broad Jump (Feet & Inches)Med Ball Toss (Feet & Inches)
Abbotsford CampLatrellNoelREC5' 0" 91.07.525.6119.96' 3"12'
Abbotsford CampHunterRoyQB4' 7"126.09.386.8110.93' 4"9'
Abbotsford CampKarsonVandevenQB4' 7"99.07.625.8715.45' 8"8' 6"
Abbotsford CampNoahReeseDB4' 6"7.415.8314.05' 7"8'
Abbotsford CampAsherSiemensLB4' 5" 68.07.435.8313.85' 4"7' 5"
Abbotsford CampQuinnWalkerDL4' 8" 102.08.626.711.44' 5"7' 2"
Abbotsford CampDawsonHenryDB4' 0"51.06.635.6219.55' 5"6' 9"
Abbotsford CampKaiKucharekRB4' 3" 51.07.535.613.85' 5"6' 5"
Abbotsford CampEmersonNoonanOL4' 7"8.376.5215.54' 11"6'
Abbotsford CampNihalDialQB4' 4" 63.07.555.9215.94'5' 8"
Calgary One Week CampFinnickBodvarsonLB4' 9.5"2.457.426.3217.105' 9"13' 11"
Calgary One Week CampBenjaminArchambaultDL4' 9"2.868.256.6313.304' 6"13' 10"
Calgary One Week CampSennaCampbellREC4' 1.5"2.367.355.4115.607' 8"11' 9"
Calgary One Week CampGreysonRamirezQB4' 10.5"2.497.376.4712.604' 3"11' 6"
Calgary One Week CampRonanMarcellusQB4' 6"3.208.305.6319.403' 8"11' 4"
Calgary One Week CampIsaacGauthierDL4' 9"2.667.986.1613.105' 6"9' 8"
Calgary One Week CampGraysonOsakaLB4' 5"2.507.905.9413.004' 89' 8"
Chilliwack CampJakeMillsLB4'8.581.52.647.636.0515.604' 8"15'
Chilliwack CampDevonDyckRB4'8.5101.' 5"14' 2"
Chilliwack CampPresleyDrydenQB4'11.581.52.276.675.3518.407' 0"14'
Chilliwack CampMaxxFisherLB2.617.796.1513.504' 7"13' 8"
Chilliwack CampHoldenKlootDB4'7.579.32.406.806.0613.004' 9"12' 10"
Chilliwack CampLincolnEdgingtonDL4'10152.12.768.85DNP10.704' 6"12' 6"
Chilliwack CampHunterGamboaRB5'0156.52.597.776.6012.205' 3"12' 3"
Chilliwack CampLinconMcRaeQB5'0.5112.42.477.726.4713.004' 6"12'
Chilliwack CampNickHockinDL4'8.5127.82.567.906.3511.804"11"12'
Chilliwack CampRolandHortonLB4'1090.42.537.506.3417.306' 2"10' 2"
Edmonton CampChristianEngelQB4' 10"' 0"12' 7"
Edmonton CampPsylerPhoummasakREC4' 10"' 6"12' 2"
Edmonton CampKaiLawrenceRB4' 5"66.001.705.995.1517.905' 8"12' 0"
Edmonton CampVincenzoScozzafavaQB4' 9"' 8"11' 7"
Edmonton CampMaddixMayREC4' 9"66.001.907.005.8713.605' 9"9' 0"
Grande Prairie SummerBrennanMcfaulOL4'1086.02.065.945.0520.206' 3.1"22' 3.7"
Grande Prairie SummerRylieHermanRB4'771.02.447.725.8411.705' 3.4"15' 11.1"
Grande Prairie SummerOwenAllenRB4'877.02.577.836.0313.7011' 2.3"
Grande Prairie SummerKadeNesbittQB6'1136.02.387.296.3520.406.5"10' 6"
Grande Prairie SummerOstenCampbell2.608.756.2813.104' 7.1"5' 4.9"
Kelowna CampSawyerSchoalesWR4'3 1/' 9"10' 8"
Kelowna CampKostonThomasWR4'567.002.026.305.1217.306' 1"10' 3"
Kelowna CampWillMcCaigQB5'' 8.25"10' 1"
Kelowna CampLeoCrickRB4'667.' 6.5"8' 5"
Kelowna CampHarrisonGerspacherOL5'1143.002.759.107.208.903' 8"8' 0"
Kelowna CampWilliamYatesOL4'777.' 3"7' 5"
Kelowna CampCjTrowsse-paulLB4'1 1/257.002.3110.096.5011.203' 10.5"7' 0"
Kelowna CampOwenRutgersWR4'580.002.306.966.0012.304' 10.5"6' 1"
Kelowna CampTerryTrowsse-paulOL2.397.786.544' 9"
Lethbridge CampLukeMajeranQB4"1077.006.584.9723.307' 0"17' 1"
Lethbridge CampGusMandelRB4"475.007.485.8511.904' 9"12' 4"
Lethbridge CampBrevynThompsonDL4"772.007.416.1916.404' 8"11'
Lethbridge CampNeilBishopQB4"888.007.855.6913.605' 0"10' 8"
Lethbridge CampScottAlexanderQB4"599.009.787.039.603' 0"7'
Nanaimo CampPaxtonPerronOL4' 9"' 0"10' 10"
Nanaimo CampMylesEnglundRB4' 4"41.92.347.185.8716.005' 6"10' 9"
Nanaimo CampMasonElliottDL4' 8"61.72.487.656.3414.804' 4"9' 10"
Nanaimo CampLyndenThomasRB4' 6"44.12.407.116.6216.004' 10"9' 5"
Nanaimo CampLucasDoveyRB4' 6.5"' 5"8' 8"
Nanaimo CampRyanHolmbergQB4' 5"55.12.768.536.5012.104' 6"6' 3"
Nanaimo CampAsherTaylorRB4' 8"57.32.628.296.6311.804' 7"5' 9"
New Brunswick CampBlakeMorrisonREC4' 11"' 3"
New Brunswick CampCameronCarhartQB4' 7"97.002.307.005.834' 9"
New Brunswick CampOwenMurphyDL4' 8"72.002.408.106.554' 7"
New Brunswick CampNiallMclaughlinLB4' 7"91.002.608.606.5713.503' 4"
New Brunswick CampAbigailOsmondRB4' 7"84.002.8010.807.502' 7"
Red Deer CampRykerStuderDB4' 11"88.26.715.6513.84' 11"13' 8"
Red Deer CampKasenScottQB4' 5"' 8"9' 6"
Vancouver CampRonikSidhuQB4' 9"' 4"10' 6"
Vancouver CampTheoSutherlandQB4' 6" 55.07.335.8414.75' 3"9' 8"
Vancouver CampNolanObaroREC4' 2" 56.07.345.8715.04' 8"9'
Vancouver CampAustinAttanasioQB4' 6" 116.08.676.9410.13' 2"7' 11"
Vancouver CampAriSampathQB4' 1" 39.07.426.3817.25' 7' 1"
Vancouver CampAustinGillespieDB4' 4" 65.46.745.4715.35' 1"6' 9"

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