CANADASometimes families need financial assistance to get their kids into a sport or physical activity. We're committed to helping all families access a range of activities, from boxing to bowling, and skating to skiing and more. To be eligible for funding for one or more children, families must first meet specific financial criteria as per Revenue Canada’s Low-Income Cut-Offs (LICO) chart.
FUNDING DETAILS & Requirements
Check if you are eligible for the program and if it meets your needs. You can also prep any documents needed* for the application process.
Get STarted ONLINE
Apply online or submit a paper application form. Be sure to complete all sections as incomplete applications can take longer to process.
Completed applications will be processed within 30 days of being received. If you qualify, the grant will be sent directly to the sport program you signed up for.
Before you start your application, please have the following ready:
- Your contact information (name, postal code, telephone number, and email address)
- The first name, last name, gender, and date of birth of your child
- The details of the sport or physical activity in which your child would like to participate including program dates, the name of the program and proof of programming
- The amount that you are requesting from Jumpstart
- The name of the non-profit/charity/service organization (payee) running the sport or physical activity program
- Proof of financial need; a clear, legible, and current copy of pages 1 and 2 of your Canada Child Benefit (Statement) will be required as proof of need